Updating personal information


For the purpose of accurately and timely submission of regular annual statements on the balance of your pension insurance, as well as proper exercise of your rights with regard to pension savings in the future, it is particularly important that your personal information is accurate and updated in the Register of Members and / or retired members.
Several meethods of pesonal data update are at your disposal:

1.    Electronic update through our website with access to your personal account. Log into your personal account with your user name and password that we provide along with the Annual Pension Savings Report by clicking Personal Data, change the data that are not up to date, and select where to get the update confirmation code. This option is available for members or retired members who have previously given the pension company data of a valid mobile phone number or e-mail.
2.    Update in writing, where you should visit one of the branches of NLB Bank AD Skopje, Sava insurance a.d Skopje or come to the head office of Sava Pension Company a.d. Skopje and complete the form for personal data update / correction in the presence of an authorized person / agent of the Company who will inspect your Valid document for personal identification.
3.    Mail(regular mail) the filled in personal data update form. In the event of this update, you will be contacted by the Company for the purpose of determining the identity of the sender of the form, with a recording of your telephone conversation.
4.    Update by a phone call on 02/15-500. In accordance with the regulation, updates by telephone calls are only allowed if made at the address of residence and / or the address for correspondence. When this update is done, the user will be identified and the phone conversation recorded.